Tuesday 21 June 2011

Manchester University 20th June 2011

Manchester University on The 20th of June 2011 was an insight to were I could for fill more education if I decide to go down that route. It was also an insight into there type of work that other people in each specialist area have already created. This could lead on to influence me to uses different styles and techniques of different artists that they have research to produced a certain outcome. As I first walked throw the door into the event I saw a swell of different people all competing to be the best in their specialist area. The even was organised and well executed by having a map of the event and clearly labelling each different area with in the event. A range of different specialist subject was on display at Manchester university, some of these were Graphic design, interactive media, typography, fine art, fashion an more.

The specialist subjects that I was most looking forward to was Graphics design, Typography and illustration/fine art. Although I still looked at a range of other area’s because I felt that I could possible link two area’s together by taking influence from one and trying it in another style.  The first artist that I took interest in was Alexander Smith this is because I liked the style of media and techniques that he uses to produce different but similar outcomes.


This piece of work is called Wonders of the Universe: Destiny Wallpaper Design.
The general design of the piece of work reminds me of the Eye of Providence this is because it is a triangle with an eye in it. Although Alexander smith has replaced the eye with a clock this could represent time evolution. The reason I think of evolution is because of the images in the background and how hes put a baby on the left then a person in a space suite on the right showing how far the human race has gone so far.
I like the simple colours that have been used, different shades of blue to represent the sea or sky.
I think the starting point of this image was by looking into history and researching evolution and the theory of the big bang and then on the other side God etc.
By looking into these I think he was able to link them both together in a simple way but also a very cripive way. The impression that it gives to me is mixed this is because of the way he has linked two complete different idea’s and believes together. At first I just saw it as an image with some other images layered onto but after looking at it for several minutes I started to think of history and the Eye of providence. This then made me think about evolution due to the two images on either side. 

From looking at different pieces of students work at the Manchester University event I instantly thought that I would not be able to compete with there final outcomes this is because I don’t think I could of though of an idea that involves two very political subjects and be able to link them together in the way Alexander Smith has.
Overall I find the event to help me with my person idea’s this is because I was able to expand my few’s and be able to take more work into consideration.