Artist Reviews

Within this analytical review i will be looking at the work of Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud and Jenny saville i will be comparing the different media and style that each artist use and how there work can be linked to each others. The style of work that each artist uses is very different in their own style this makes their work unique and not really comparable with each other. Francis Bacon used main watercolours and oil's within the work that he produced while Lucian Freud was more based around paints and a few pieces that were done in oil. Jenny saville also used mainly paints within her work including a few of her famous piece's of work done with oils. therefor we can link the work of all of the artists because they have all produced a famous piece of working using either oil's or paints. 

 One of Jenny savilles most famous pieces of work is 'Torso2, 2004, oil on canvas" we can link this piece of work in with a piece of work by Francis Bacon called 'Crouching Nude’ 1950'. Within these two pieces of work both the artists used the same media but with a different style.Jenny saville mainly used the ink to blend in skin tone to add shading and definition throughout the image, she also used the oil's  to add a sort of shinny background throughout the hole painting.The way Francis Bacon uses oil within his work to produce a sketchy style of work by using the ink to add patterns and tones throughout the background.While keeping the main focal image in the center. On the main image it looks like he has smudged the oil to give it a different tone while blending parts into the background.By comparing the style of work that both of the artists uses you can tell that they have developed there own style within the selected media. The style that Jenny saville uses with with oil's is mainly to blend tones of different colours to add texture and tone within the drawing on people, while Francis Bacon uses it to add a different texture throughout the piece of work his work is more sketchy and rough while Jenny saville uses it in a hole different perspective.

  Next we will compare the work of Lucian Freud and Jenny saville. We will be looking at the same oil painting by jenny saville this is because we can compare the same paint to a piece of work by Lucian Freud. One of the pieces that i liked by Lucian Freud is 'Girl with a white dog, 1951 - 1952' this piece of work is also done with oil paints so we can compare the different the different uses of the media. As i talked about before we know how Jenny saville uses the ink to mainly add tone throughout the different shading's of skin. This style is very similar to the style that Lucian Freud work with. You can tell this by the amount of detail that has been added to the different parts of the image, like on the robe that she is wearing. Lucian Freud uses the oil paints to add mainly shading in the image in a really clear and sharp style. This means she does not work in the same style as Francis Bacon because his is very rough and sketchy like. I like the way Lucian Freud uses the oil to keep a very sharp line between each part of the image this adds alot of detail that seems to be very difficult to do with oil paints.

 Francis Bacon

Francis B con was born October the 28th 1909, in Dublin. Francis Bacon never study art at university but experimented with watercolours through out his life while he was experimenting with watercolours he established himself as a furniture designer and interior designer.

This is a self-portrait of Francis Bacon. He produced this piece of work in 1973 and added to his collection of self-portraits of himself. The materials that Francis Bacon used within this painting were watercolours and a range of techniques.  The colour composition within this painting is a use of soft colours to highlight and define different facial definition. The colours that have been used and mainly pink with hints of cream to add to skin colour. The way it has been painted makes you think he was sad when doing the painting this is because of the definition that has been added to the eyes and mouth.  The techniques that Francis Bacon uses are very ‘wish washy’ style. I like this painting because of the way it has been produced the use of the black to block most of the page out make you look at it even more and see the strange things within the painting like the neck area that’s very bold and undefined.


A piece of work by Francis Bacon called ‘Crouching
 Nude’ 1950.  This is a different style of painting from Francis Bacon. This piece of work is not as easy to understand as some of the other work that he has produced I think this is because of the bold background being more overpowered than the drawing itself . the materials that Francis Bacon has used within this piece of work is oil’s on canvas. From using oils Francis Bacon was able to blend different colour’s to get different tones. The uses of colours that contrast with each other like the background the uses off colours that are similar add to a mystical 3d look.


A piece of work by Francis Bacon, Crouching Figures 1952. This piece of work is similar to the other piece above but I like the style that Francis Bacon paints in.  Within this image Francis Bacon has used oil on canvas this is because of the effect that you can produce with oil paints. The use of mainly different tones of blue makes this piece of work stand out more because of the effect and shading that you can produce with only one colour it also adds more detail to the image. It makes the image look very moody and sad because of the way he has shown black paint shining through the background. I like how he has the main drawing in the middle of the page while using the blue on the hands to show different shading and tone within the hand.

In conclusion I like the work that Francis Bacon has produced and the different techniques that the he uses while using different media and materials like oil paints  and watercolours. I also like how he has kept the colour combining to a minimum because I think it adds more contrast to the imagers.

Lucian Freud.
 Lucian Freud was a Berlin-born but a British based painter.He was born in 1922 and became a very well known artist within Berlin were he was studying life drawing. Lucian Freud was inspired by a wide range off different famous artists all who used different styles within there work.His early worked was based around artists like Max Beckmann and other artists that based there work around, 'spikey', figures.
As Lucian Freud got older he began to change his style of work from this idea of 'spikey', figures into more brush stokes and blotches throughout his work In the style of Picasso work.

Lucian Freud produced  many well known pieces of art like the painting of the Queen's head. This piece of art is one of my favorite by this artist because he is able to show different tones in the skin while still using this very blotchy brush stroke technique. The use of different brush stroke techniques indicates different cheek definitions and shading. I like how Lucian Freud only pants the head of people this is because he thinks by just showing the head you can imagine the rest of the body. I like how even though he only uses on technique, he still maintains the proportions of the human figure.

Another famous piece of work by Lucian Freud is Naked Man With Rat. He produced this piece of work in 1977 and became one of his well known pieces of art work. I like this piece of work because of the way he has not just painted the head of someone but he has painted their hole body figure. This enabled him to show more definition that what he would want you think of if he just painted the head. The uses of technique really shows what Lucian Freud could produce. I like how he was able to show different tones in the skin colour while keeping it all in contrast. I don't see why he added a rat into the paint because this just detracts from the main painting itself. I think i will have to do some more research on this piece of work to see why he ended up painting a rat with this painting.