My Work

 This is the A2 research sheet that are team produced on Frida Kahlo. We had give suitable information about Kahlo and what she did in her life. After we had produced this A2 research sheet we went onto preparing are presentation about Frida Kahlo.


 This is just a random doddle sheet that me and a group  had to produce. After we had done this it was cut up and made into a strip, then we had to work back on top of it with different forms off media like ink, pen etc.

 This is the outcome form the image above as you can see i added many more techniques and methods to help produce this piece of work.

 This is a unfinished piece of work that i am still working towards. I will post a finished outcome when i have done it.

This is a piece of work that i produced by using ink and a techneque called bleeding.
 I did this by drawing a tree then i got more focused on the peice and ended up with this piece of work.

 another photo of my ink piece of work as i progress on it.

 This is a close up off a certain area that i liked.
 I liked how i was able to add this abstract look to the tree's and fence.

This is the final outcome that i ended up with. I really like this because of the different colour scheme that i used. The only thing i am disliking is the red above the fence i can't really tell if it looks good or not.