Monday 20 December 2010

Project Proposal

For this project I have to design a poster that promotes the recycle meant of small electrical goods. Small electrical goods add up to one of the most un-recycled objects in Britain at the moment this is mainly because people don’t know where to recycle the object or how. This adds to the reason off throwing them in the rubbish. There are many problems about not recycling small electrical goods. One of these is the rapid improvement of technology this is because people want to stay up with the improvement of technology this causes wastes electrical goods all the times. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that only 15-20% of e-waste is recycled, the rest of these electronics go directly into landfills and incinerators. If people start to recycle small electrical goods more there are a huge amount of benefits from it. Like Recycling raw materials from end-of-life electronics is the most effective solution to the growing e-waste problem. Most electronic devices contain a variety of materials, including metals that can be recovered for future uses.
Within this project I will develop and exploring the ideas of different artists based on recycling, and how they manage to get the message across in an influencing way. I will produce a verity of different media with the use of both studio and visual studies sessions. This will be Photoshop final outcomes with scanned in imagery from visual studies I will also produces a wide range of different outcomes like Mono printing, Lino printing, pen and ink and many more. From doing all of these different outcomes based on recycling I will hope to learn from each outcome to see what looks the best and how I could add this to my final outcome. I will be following many different artists throughout this assailment on my blog and in my book. I’m going to do this because of the amount of influence you can gain from looking at a artist who does the same work. These are just a couple of artists that I like and will be following on my blog shortly.

A piece of work by John T. Unger found at

A piece of work by Jane Perkins founded at

Monday 13 December 2010

Blog Evaluation

During these few weeks of blogging iv seen how many people have started to use blogs to either show there work or talk about new topics. The idea of blogging will keep on expanding in my eyes because of how simple it is to set up a blog and start posting more or less straight away. This idea of easy blogging will lead to a hole new idea of design and making it possible for people to get there work looked at and commented unlike in the past were union people would not be recognised. The amount of uses for blogging are huge it enable people to get there work known and themselves this will had to a hole new idea of design within the blogging world. Also the use of blogs for job applications, university applications and many more. This will add to a hole new type of graphics design and other design area because you are able to work on it at anytime when you have the Internet connection. The outcomes of the blogging community are endless you can  earn money from them to getting a job etc.
However there are drawback's to blogs being this simple and these are more people who might not be as good at art/design and other area's will be posting there work. This will make it harder for people who might be good at the subject area to find other people like them because it is always becoming bigger. overall Google blogger is a good community to be a part of but there are a few problems that i have came across that might put people off who are not so good with computers and these the page randomly closes when you go to post on your blog but this has only happened a few times so hopefully it has been fixed. The other reason is if you wanted to change your title and make your own it takes a  of time to get it to the right resolution witch means you have to keep on playing around until it is right.
So overall i would recommend starting your own blog this is because it will help you get your work known more than what you would by just keeping it on a file. I taken this into account and have a my work page this is so people can go on it and look at your work and comment. This is because i would like some of my work to get known by the people that look on my blog and this could only of been done by having a blog.

The use of Google reader

As a newer blogger i found out about Google reader. Google reader is a web-based aggregator capable of reading ATOM and RSS feed while either online or offline. The use off Google reader is to be able to read new feeds without trolling through all off the sites you are following this gives you a easy and fast way to read new posts all in one area. witch will enable you to go to their site to read more if u want to. I've started to use Google reader just because of how easy it is to set up and how much time you save by being able to read all the sites/blogs you are following.

Google Reader

Art Blog By Bob

This is one off my favorite blogs becuase off the amount of posting that the author does and the amount of time effort he puts into it is amazing.I picked to follow this blog becuase of the simple design but mainly the amount of interesting things that are posted about art and design. You can find this blog at .

Drirty Mouse

This is another blog that i have decided to follow called "Dirty Mouse". I chossed to follow this blog becuase of the simple layout and a white background. I think the white background makes the blog look more formal and easyer to read. You can find this blog at .

A Daily Dose of Architecture

This is another blog that i have decided to follow. I wanted to follow this blog mainly becuase of the use of background and shades off grey i think it works really well with the layout of his blog. The author talks about relevant subjects that i am interested in. I also like the simplar layout to the blogs i am following with the posts on the left and the side bar on the right i think this pattern works very well.
You can find this website at .

Architecture Peanuts

This is another blog that i decided to follow called "Architecture Peanuts". I decided to follow this blog because of the layout pattern that have been used and what they have been blogging about. I liked how the blog has a central layout making your eye focus on the middle with a colour scheme at each side that blends in with the text on the left hand side of the page. You can find this blog at .


This is a blog that i decided to follow called Yanko Design. I decided to follow this blog because of the way the author has layed it out. A simple layout what works effectively to encourage you to look at the blog. i also like the way it is set out with the posts on the left in their own boxes then links and other information on the right. You can find this blog at .

The Review of a blog i am following.

In my response to following a wide range of different blogs i have decided to review one of the blogs that i really like and this is artblogbybob . "Art Blog By Bob" this is a blog that is manly based around the idea and review of different types of art work and design issues. within their blog they go into much detail about the artist they are talking about and other relevant subject area's.

In this screen shot the author talks about " A Matter of Interpretation: Is All Art History Western Art History?". The author talks about how we look at new art by trying to link it to a piece of old art and trying to make a link between the two even though they were both done at separate times and by separate artists.
In this post by "ArtBlogByBob" he talks about different links and are being fair to the new piece even though parts of it might be taken from a old piece of work just changed.
I like how the author is able to ask question in their own posts to make you think about the subject that is being talked about.

Festival Of Britain and domestic life in early 1950's

'The Festival is the British showing themselves to themselves - and the world' (Herbert Morrison)
The Festival of Britain took place in the summer of 1951 and celebrated the nation's recovery after the Second World War. Although it was a national festival, London was at its heart. Indeed one of its main creators was Herbert Morrison, the Labour M.P. for South Hackney and a former leader of the London County Council.
The most important festival site was the South Bank of the Thames at Lambeth. Here, an area of old Victorian industrial buildings and railway sidings was transformed into the site of the South Bank exhibition. New structures were built to house exhibitions exploring Britain's landscape, the British character, British industry and science. The structures included a new concert hall - the Royal Festival Hall, the Dome of Discovery and the astonishingly slender Skylon. The only existing building incorporated into the site was a tall brick shot tower, built in the early 19th century to make lead shot by dropping molten lead from a height. For the festival, it was used to house a large radio telescope and transmitter
Although the Festival took pride in Britain's past, most of the exhibits looked to the future. Science and technology featured strongly. In one of the pavilions, many Londoners saw their first ever television pictures
Festival of Britain two and a halfpence stamp

Festival of Britain fourpence stamp

Restless Times Art in Britain 1914 - 1945

The Restless Times exhibition explores one of the most momentous times in British history and a critical point in the development of Modern British Art.
The years between 1914 and 1945 were a period defined by the devastating experience of two world wars and saw fundamental changes in British society. During the mass upheaval of wartime, Britain became a destination for displaced people across Europe. This migration brought artists from across the continent to our shores, and with them an influx of new ideas which both invigorated and influenced their British contemporaries. 

Exploring the impact of this remarkable cultural exchange, Restless Times will consider how artists sought to redefine the changing face of the nation, and will examine the parallels with today’s culturally diverse society. From the devastating impact of war and a retreat from the harsh realities of life, to the celebration of the pastoral idyll and the embracing of new ideas and technologies, the exhibition will examine how artists engaged with both the uncertainties and possibilities of the time.

The Restless Times exhibition will bring 150 significant works drawn from national and regional collections including Tate, Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service, Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums and Museums Sheffield. Works on display will include David Bomberg, In the Hold (c 1913-4), Cyril Power.
And many more pieces of work from artists like Jhon Nash, Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth and many more.
We went to the restless Times exhibition to see how the development of modern day art would enfluence the work of other artists and us today.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Architectural Project for Qatar World Cup 2022

I have decided to review the new stadiums designed using CAD for the Qatar world cup to be hosted in 2022.
 All of these stadiums have recently been designed by the Qatar bid team for their presentation to FIFA. Due to this being a recently talked about issue i thought I'd review and post the amazing stadiums due to be built. In this post i will be reviewing the aspects of what the stadiums will bring to Qatar and the contextual influences to me. The design's of these new stadiums are of striking appearance and cutting edge technology for a simply amazing appearance.
Doha Port Stadium
These stadium has been designed by the Qatar bid team for the 2022 world cup using cutting edge technology. They produced this image by using computer aided design to show a representation of what the stadiums will look like once built In this design they are planning on building an artificial island to hold a stadium. The design of this stadium looks like a tree this is because off the of the spikes around the outside of the stadium. They have made full use of the port by having area's were boats are around the stadium along the spikes. 
AI-Wakrah Stadium
In this design i would make it a multi-functional sports facility this would make full use of the surrounding area. It would also bring inspiration to the Qatar people because of it being an amazing structure. The design of this stadium looks like there is going to be gaps in between each main beam. This will add more detail to the exterior of the stadium making it an amazing piece of architecture.

AI-Khor Stadium
This design is one of my favorite out of all of them this is because it looks like a tear drop shape. The way the stadium curves around to make points at each side gives it an amazing look.
Frida Kahlo

When i was looking through other blogs i saw a post on a artist called Frida Kahlo.
Due to having done a presentation on her work in one of are projects i decided to put a post on about her and linking it to the blog that i found it on. We also produced a A2 sheet about Frida Kahlo including a biography of her live and work that she has done.


Shaking The Tree

Piet Mondrian was a dutch artist born in Amersfoort, Netherlands in 1872. He was an important contributor to the 'De Stijl' art movement (Dutch word for 'The Style' also known as neoplasticism). These two pieces of work below are from his time living and working in Paris from 1911-1914, during this period of his work we can clearly see influences of the Cubism style of Picasso and Braque. With his use of geometric shapes and interlocking planes clearly evident in 'Gray Tree' we can see one of his early experimentation's with cubism.
However the artwork shown below is not what Piet Mondrian is most renowned for, In post-war Paris he began to develop the style of artwork that he remains famous for with such pieces as 'Broadway Boogie Woogie' as seen at

I initially came across this artist through artblogbybob . I am very interested how he transitioned from his early works such as 'View from the Dunes with Beach and Piers, Domburg' to his late style shown in 'Broadway Boogie Woogie' which was highly influential in the school of abstract geometric painting.
I liked the way Piet Mondrain was able to draw abstract trees in an amazing way so i tried it out for myself using ink.

 View form the Dunes with Beach and Piers, Domburg

Gray Tree

Broadway Boogie Woogie