Sunday 12 December 2010

Shaking The Tree

Piet Mondrian was a dutch artist born in Amersfoort, Netherlands in 1872. He was an important contributor to the 'De Stijl' art movement (Dutch word for 'The Style' also known as neoplasticism). These two pieces of work below are from his time living and working in Paris from 1911-1914, during this period of his work we can clearly see influences of the Cubism style of Picasso and Braque. With his use of geometric shapes and interlocking planes clearly evident in 'Gray Tree' we can see one of his early experimentation's with cubism.
However the artwork shown below is not what Piet Mondrian is most renowned for, In post-war Paris he began to develop the style of artwork that he remains famous for with such pieces as 'Broadway Boogie Woogie' as seen at

I initially came across this artist through artblogbybob . I am very interested how he transitioned from his early works such as 'View from the Dunes with Beach and Piers, Domburg' to his late style shown in 'Broadway Boogie Woogie' which was highly influential in the school of abstract geometric painting.
I liked the way Piet Mondrain was able to draw abstract trees in an amazing way so i tried it out for myself using ink.

 View form the Dunes with Beach and Piers, Domburg

Gray Tree

Broadway Boogie Woogie

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