Monday 13 December 2010

The Review of a blog i am following.

In my response to following a wide range of different blogs i have decided to review one of the blogs that i really like and this is artblogbybob . "Art Blog By Bob" this is a blog that is manly based around the idea and review of different types of art work and design issues. within their blog they go into much detail about the artist they are talking about and other relevant subject area's.

In this screen shot the author talks about " A Matter of Interpretation: Is All Art History Western Art History?". The author talks about how we look at new art by trying to link it to a piece of old art and trying to make a link between the two even though they were both done at separate times and by separate artists.
In this post by "ArtBlogByBob" he talks about different links and are being fair to the new piece even though parts of it might be taken from a old piece of work just changed.
I like how the author is able to ask question in their own posts to make you think about the subject that is being talked about.

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