Monday 20 December 2010

Project Proposal

For this project I have to design a poster that promotes the recycle meant of small electrical goods. Small electrical goods add up to one of the most un-recycled objects in Britain at the moment this is mainly because people don’t know where to recycle the object or how. This adds to the reason off throwing them in the rubbish. There are many problems about not recycling small electrical goods. One of these is the rapid improvement of technology this is because people want to stay up with the improvement of technology this causes wastes electrical goods all the times. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that only 15-20% of e-waste is recycled, the rest of these electronics go directly into landfills and incinerators. If people start to recycle small electrical goods more there are a huge amount of benefits from it. Like Recycling raw materials from end-of-life electronics is the most effective solution to the growing e-waste problem. Most electronic devices contain a variety of materials, including metals that can be recovered for future uses.
Within this project I will develop and exploring the ideas of different artists based on recycling, and how they manage to get the message across in an influencing way. I will produce a verity of different media with the use of both studio and visual studies sessions. This will be Photoshop final outcomes with scanned in imagery from visual studies I will also produces a wide range of different outcomes like Mono printing, Lino printing, pen and ink and many more. From doing all of these different outcomes based on recycling I will hope to learn from each outcome to see what looks the best and how I could add this to my final outcome. I will be following many different artists throughout this assailment on my blog and in my book. I’m going to do this because of the amount of influence you can gain from looking at a artist who does the same work. These are just a couple of artists that I like and will be following on my blog shortly.

A piece of work by John T. Unger found at

A piece of work by Jane Perkins founded at

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