Monday 13 December 2010

Blog Evaluation

During these few weeks of blogging iv seen how many people have started to use blogs to either show there work or talk about new topics. The idea of blogging will keep on expanding in my eyes because of how simple it is to set up a blog and start posting more or less straight away. This idea of easy blogging will lead to a hole new idea of design and making it possible for people to get there work looked at and commented unlike in the past were union people would not be recognised. The amount of uses for blogging are huge it enable people to get there work known and themselves this will had to a hole new idea of design within the blogging world. Also the use of blogs for job applications, university applications and many more. This will add to a hole new type of graphics design and other design area because you are able to work on it at anytime when you have the Internet connection. The outcomes of the blogging community are endless you can  earn money from them to getting a job etc.
However there are drawback's to blogs being this simple and these are more people who might not be as good at art/design and other area's will be posting there work. This will make it harder for people who might be good at the subject area to find other people like them because it is always becoming bigger. overall Google blogger is a good community to be a part of but there are a few problems that i have came across that might put people off who are not so good with computers and these the page randomly closes when you go to post on your blog but this has only happened a few times so hopefully it has been fixed. The other reason is if you wanted to change your title and make your own it takes a  of time to get it to the right resolution witch means you have to keep on playing around until it is right.
So overall i would recommend starting your own blog this is because it will help you get your work known more than what you would by just keeping it on a file. I taken this into account and have a my work page this is so people can go on it and look at your work and comment. This is because i would like some of my work to get known by the people that look on my blog and this could only of been done by having a blog.

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