Sunday 12 December 2010

Architectural Project for Qatar World Cup 2022

I have decided to review the new stadiums designed using CAD for the Qatar world cup to be hosted in 2022.
 All of these stadiums have recently been designed by the Qatar bid team for their presentation to FIFA. Due to this being a recently talked about issue i thought I'd review and post the amazing stadiums due to be built. In this post i will be reviewing the aspects of what the stadiums will bring to Qatar and the contextual influences to me. The design's of these new stadiums are of striking appearance and cutting edge technology for a simply amazing appearance.
Doha Port Stadium
These stadium has been designed by the Qatar bid team for the 2022 world cup using cutting edge technology. They produced this image by using computer aided design to show a representation of what the stadiums will look like once built In this design they are planning on building an artificial island to hold a stadium. The design of this stadium looks like a tree this is because off the of the spikes around the outside of the stadium. They have made full use of the port by having area's were boats are around the stadium along the spikes. 
AI-Wakrah Stadium
In this design i would make it a multi-functional sports facility this would make full use of the surrounding area. It would also bring inspiration to the Qatar people because of it being an amazing structure. The design of this stadium looks like there is going to be gaps in between each main beam. This will add more detail to the exterior of the stadium making it an amazing piece of architecture.

AI-Khor Stadium
This design is one of my favorite out of all of them this is because it looks like a tear drop shape. The way the stadium curves around to make points at each side gives it an amazing look.

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